
LAUSD - Brightstar Schools New Rise Kohyang Middle School
Project TypeEducation
LocationLos Angeles, California
Year2019 - Current
ClientBrightstar / LAUSD
Size 50,000 sf
ArchitectBerliner Architects

Project Details

The construction of an approximately 50,000 square foot (SF) facility will be built on approximately 1.0 acres of land located in Los Angeles, California. State of California Proposition 51 funding will be used for the construction of this campus, as well as potentially LAUSD Augmentation Grant funding. The proposed project includes the construction of a multi-story classroom/office building for use as a middle school.

The proposed design requirements for the Project consists of constructing a two-story, DSA-approved classroom facility with 16 general education classrooms, 4 elective classrooms, Special Education spaces, library/media room, multi-purpose room, administrative offices, storage rooms, lunch area (incorporated into multi-purpose room and/or exterior) and serving area. Non-building construction must include parking/transportation, including subterranean parking as needed, security fencing and landscaping.

Budlong also provided a full campus design including new power distribution, security, fire alarm, CCTV and data.